Carol is the Founder of Rahanni Celestial Healing and is a Teacher/Healer/Writer & Channel. Carol has been on a spiritual journey for most of her life and understands the struggles humanity has to go through for spiritual growth. Her many experiences are expressed within three books; offering guidance and healing light to all who wish to have a better understanding of their own journey.
Carol is a Healer, Teacher and Writer, who also writes articles for magazines and speaking on Radio in the UK and Canada, helping to spread the word of this amazing healing vibration known as Rahanni.
Carol is dedicated to bringing forward a 'new' healing modality that was presented to her on 4th August 2002. This was a gift from Source/God to share with humanity at this most difficult time in our existence; helping to release all fear-based ways of thinking and negativity, to that of inner peace, kindness, love and compassion. This beautiful healing light will help all of humanity have a change in consciousness and help release karmic debt, allowing everyone to move forward and have the quality of life they deserve.
Although Carol is now retired, she still offers her love, support and guidance to all and you can contact Carol via this website
You can also listen to Carols Spiritual Journey here and how Rahanni Celestial Healing was brought to this planet and given to Carol Stacey to share with all of humanity

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Having been psychic since childhood Neshla did what most of us do, block it in order to fit in with the crowd. Life moved on and after getting married and having two wonderful children she then realised that part of her was missing and she needed to re-awaken her natural psychic ability.
Having trained in various healing modalities over the years, Neshla finally found what she was looking for when she discovered Rahanni Celestial Healing and trained with the Founder, Carol Stacey. Neshla then went on to become a teacher and is now the main guardian of Rahanni since Carol's retirement.
Neshla has been working with Rahanni since January 2009 and has helped many clients release what they need to. She is also a highly experienced teacher having taught over 400 students to channel Rahanni themselves.
Find out more about Neshla at https://www.neshlaavey.com/
Rahanni, 'of one heart', is healing for the mind, body and soul.
There is no separation, we are from one divine energy source.
Rahanni helps balance the masculine and feminine aspects of every man, woman and child.
It is possible to release our fears and any negative energy that we accumulate from our experiences on this earth.
It helps us with communication and to gain control over our lives.
The vibration of Earth had to be raised for the energy to be sustained. This has now happened, moving from the 3rd to the 4th dimension of reality, allowing everyone to connect to the 5th dimension by accepting an attunement whilst becoming a Rahanni Practitioner.
Carol Stacey has been presented with the gift of Rahanni by the 'higher beings' of light to bring this beautiful healing modality through to humanity at this critical time in our existence.
Rahanni is not based on one religion, it is our natural essence, bringing balance to our mind and body.
Rahanni is a simple healing modality and can be learnt in a day.
Rahanni is accredited by the IPHM

If you have any questions about Rahanni Celestial Healing please feel free to contact Carol Stacey or Neshla Avey at